Find out with ysura’s Business Value Assessment.
Developing on our first article our next instalments will focus on the results that a Business Value Assessment generates.
The outcomes can be broken down into three categories:
1) Compliance Issues
2) Time-Saving through automation
3) Cost Reduction
Firstly, our B.V.A. will analyse your organisation's adherence to the complicated issue of Pharma Compliance. As we all know, there is plenty of red tape to navigate when bringing a product to market in the life science industry. Our consultants have years of experience in the pharma industry and know the ins and outs of the regulations that affect the type of business you are trying to grow. Their experience will facilitate you in reaching your goals and steering you and your organisation away from legal trouble. Compliance issues are the most costly areas of any life science organisation. Not meeting these standards can lead to legal action and loss of licence, so adhering to the rules is paramount.
The second topic our B.V.A. results expose is how you can save time and effort through automation. Tedious copy-paste tasks take valuable time away from your employees. Valuable time that they could spend engaging with HCPs so that they fully understand how your newly developed medication functions and which patients may benefit from it for example. Our analysis will illuminate sections of your current processes which can be alleviated entirely from your sales force's daily to-do list. We combine our industry knowledge with our technical know-how so you can focus on critical roles, or take time off for yourself.
The last section of our B.V.A. depicts where you can save money by cutting costs. Our analysts broadly look at your expenses and determine where and how money could be better spent. Travel, Printing and Industry Events are some highlight issues where a happy medium can always be found, usually through implementing hybrid technology. These savings may seem relatively small at first, especially when you look at an individual. Still, when you spread these savings across the entire sales force or organisation, they often become astronomical sums. During the upcoming issues we, in conjunction with our clients who have gone through the B.V.A process already, will give anonymised real-world examples of each of these three categories. The idea being that you see how even small changes can have a dramatic influence on your overall performance in the highly regulated, highly competitive pharma market.