May 9, 2023
Find out with ysura’s Business Value Assessment.
ysura has been working alongside the pharma industry for over 10 years, during which time they developed unmatched insights into the industry. Using vital input from Europes leading sales and pharma organisations, the ysura team have developed a process to critically share these insights with your organisation by analysing your current sales and engagement processes. This allows you to discover the holes in your workflow, holes that the implementation of the ysura platform can plug. These holes can appear anywhere, that’s why the ysura team completes a comprehensive analysis of both the technological solutions already implemented as well as the day-to-day workload of various teams within your organisation.
The process starts with a discovery call that asks management teams to critically assess the areas in which they are not performing. This discovery call is accompanied by an introductory demo of the ysura platform and what an optimised workflow should look like. The next step is to analyse the actual process that specific team members go through daily to achieve their targets. Multiple team members across the organisation are surveyed and their routines analysed. These details always reveal shocking insights into lost hours performing tasks that should be automated, and would be if using the ysura platform. This analysis also reveals tasks that should be completely eradicated from any 21st-century sales process. For example, spending 30 minutes a day printing presentations for tomorrow's HCP visits.
Once the ysura team has a clear overview of how each team works and how each team interacts with other teams in the organisation, ysura consultants go about analysing the points at which the ysura CRM will alleviate time stress, reduce costs and automate processes. Only years of symbiotic work alongside the pharma industry allows ysura to gather these insights and generate logical conclusions on how your business would perform when using the ysura CRM. Once the data is collated, managers, sales reps and backend workers are presented with the findings. These go into detail on the specific daily tasks that are leeching time away from your sales reps, marketing managers and warehouse staff, time which could be better spent. This negative news is followed by our team explaining how the ysura solution solves these problems, leading to higher efficiency, a reduction in overheads and increased length and quality of engagements. The final step is always a demo of the platform that will display exactly how the ysura solution works, allowing teams to clearly understand how their processes will be streamlined or automated, leaving each team member with more time and resources to spend on valuable tasks.
The results of a comprehensive Business Value Assessment are always similar in that it clearly defines the financial and economical benefits your team would see if an intuitive pharma CRM was implemented. All of these lost hours come with a price tag, one that through our experience always comes out to be more expensive than a monthly subscription to one of the ysura packages.